The Constitution of the S.M.A.E. was modified by a proposal passed at our 2005 AGM which allowed for the introduction of a one member – one vote system of voting which we implemented for the first time for the 2006 elections.

The system put in place gives each individual member of the BMFA an opportunity to vote in the election of officers to serve on Technical Committees and the Executive Council.  Officers elected to these posts serve for a two-year term with half of the available posts up for election each year.

For the 2024 election, none of the posts on the Executive Council are contested, so no ballot is required.

For the Technical Committee elections, ballots are required for the Free Flight Technical Committee and Control Line Technical Committee.  For details of the candidates, please see and

The ballot will be held online, and members will be emailed a link within the the next couple of days with a unique voting code to allow them to place their votes.  Any members not in receipt of the email or wishing to cast their votes over the phone are advised to contact the BMFA office on 0116 2440028. The closing date for voting is midnight on 27th October 2024. The results will be announced at the Annual General Meeting.

In a break with tradition, the Society’s Annual General Meeting and Prize-Giving and Awards Dinner will take place on separate dates in 2024.

The Society’s Annual General Meeting will be held in person at BMFA Buckminster and online at 1.30pm on Saturday 2nd November 2024.  Please see for further details.

The Annual Prize-Giving and Awards Dinner will take place on Sat 16th November 2024 at the Voco St John’s Hotel in Solihull. For further details and to book a ticket, please see

Dave Phipps

Chief Executive

British Model Flying Association