Executive Directors
Ian’s interest in model aircraft started in 1960 with catapult-launched plastic toys and quickly progressed to the all sheet rubber-powered scale models from Yeoman and KeilKraft. He built his first single channel R/C model at the age of 12 and progressed through galloping ghost to a self-built proportional radio set bought with his first RAF pay packet in 1970.
Dave has been a BMFA staff member since 2003, becoming CEO in 2005. He served as the Power Nationals Co-ordinator from 2010 until 2021. Dave is also General Secretary of the Royal Aero Club and a director of the General Aviation Awareness Council.
Keith served as Honorary Treasurer from 2003 until his election as Vice Chairman in 2022. Prior to that he was Area Delegate for the East Anglian Area in 1991 and BMFA Honorary Secretary from 1991 to 1996. He has also held committee posts at club and area level.
I have been an active modeller for over 40 years and I enjoy participation in many aspects of the hobby. I started off flying control line and free flight and then moved to RC, starting with a home built single channel radio. I now fly power sport, scale and aerobatics, glider (both slope and thermal), helicopters and more recently gas turbines and electric.
Mark Benns has remained an active member of the Peterborough Model Flying Club for over 38 years. He has held committee posts in the Indoor and Free Flight Technical Committees since 2005 as well as playing an active role in the procurement of the BMFA National Visitor Centre.
Simon lives in Spalding, Lincolnshire. His aeromodelling career started in 1993 when he became interested in thermal soaring and joined his local club, the South Lincs Soarers. With encouragement from his colleagues he became more proficient and started to fly competitively at a national level.
Helen Jones has always had an interest in all forms of aviation and particularly liked visiting air museums and the occasional air show. However until 2004 she knew very little about aeromodelling until she met her husband who flies Control Line.
My working life revolved around education in one form or another as a teacher, youth and community worker and various management roles in Norfolk County Council where I concluded my career as Head of the County’s commercial education services.
Non-Executive Directors
Modeller since the age of 7, building plastic models and free flight gliders and rubber powered models. Later at secondary school built free flight A1 and A2 gliders with a school friend. Dabbled in Electronics & photography too.
Roy comes from an aviation family background which influenced his career, most of which was spent in the aerospace, aviation related industries. His interest in model aircraft started in the late 1950’s with catapult and steam driven projectiles. He quickly progressed to the balsa/tissue rubber powered and control line models, typically from Vernon and Keilcraft etc.
Started modelling in 1943 with an Airyda Blackburn Skua after first smelling doped fabric and ply and proper aromatic high octane fuel coming from rows of Whitleys and Hotspur gliders at RAF Hartford Bridge.
Peter currently lives in Brixham, Devon and is a Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy. He was educated in Torquay and at Imperial College, London and joined the Service in 1982 as a Seaman Officer, passing out from BRNC in 1983.