Day 4: Dave was up first this morning (8am) for the 3rd round (2nd Sets). The winds had picked up again from yesterday (around 16mph) and had completely switched directions, now coming from the ESE. With no clouds in sight, the sun was so bright in front off to the right that I requested the use of a sun blocker (a perspex disc on a pole which can be positioned so that it directly covers the sun). Normally the flightline is facing directly north but here at RC Parken, it is facing just to the east of North. The disc was a godsend as it meant that Dave could fly his High Seas and Cuban Eight manoeuvres without losing sight of the model. By the time the remaining GBR pilots flew, the sun had moved round enough for it to not be a problem.
Dave, Stu & Summer all had good solid rounds improving on their round 1 Sets scores. Duncan was up last - his round was going brilliantly right up until the 5th manoeuvre, Rolling Double O One, the second half of which went very wrong, so wrong in fact that it was almost zeroed. Despite that, he still had an awesome score, coming in 4th. Stu jumped to 5th, Dave finished 7th and Summer 9th. So far things are going well for us and we're definitely going to give the Danish team a run for the top team spot. Watch this space!!
It's back to the practise site this afternoon to work on the Music round ready for tomorrow, which is the last of the Preliminary rounds. The top 10 pilots will end up going through to the Finals and all four of us will comfortably make it through which is a great result.
Julie Fisher