<p>The <strong><a href="http://www.parliament.uk/science">Science and Technology Committee</a></strong> holds its first evidence session on its <em>Commercial and recreational drone use in the UK</em> inquiry.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Watch it online at <strong><a href="http://parliamentlive.tv/Commons">Parliament TV</a></strong>.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>At 9.45 am</strong></p>
<li><strong>Tim Johnson, Policy Director, Civil Aviation Authority</strong></li>
<li><strong>Richard Parker, Chief Executive Officer, Altitude Angel</strong></li>
<li><strong>Anne-Lise Scaillierez, Director, Association of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems UK</strong></li>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>At 10.45 am</strong></p>
<p><a name="_Hlk534696564"></a>·         <strong>Professor James P. Scanlan, University of Southampton</strong></p>
<li><strong>Brendan Schulman, Vice President of Policy and Legal Affairs, DJI</strong></li>
<li><strong>Sir Brian Burridge, Chief Executive Officer, Royal Aeronautical Society</strong></li>
<p> </p>
<p>This is the <strong>first</strong> session of the Committee's inquiry into commercial and recreational drone use in the UK, and will help the Committee to seek evidence on the risks and opportunities arising from the growing use of civilian drones. Themes for this session include:</p>
<p> </p>
<p>▪ current and forthcoming regulation including registration plans;</p>
<p>▪ the effectiveness and prevalence of in-built safety features of drones.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The UK Model Flying Associations provided written evidence to the Science and Technology Committee back in April and members should not conclude that because we are not involved in the first session that we are not involved in the process.</p>

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