CAA Increase Operator Registration Fees from April

17/03/2023By BMFAAdministratorGeneral News

Most members are probably aware that the CAA were proposing a 20% increase in the Operator Registration Fee from £10 to £12 from April 2023 (see The CAA run a consultation on their proposed fee increases each year and normally receive a few dozen responses. This year, the CAA received hundreds of responses, the … Read More

Possible amendments to Poisons Act (1972). Affects users of fuel containing nitromethane. Please respond to the consultation.

09/02/2022By BMFAAdministratorGeneral News

Members may be aware that the Home Office are currently undertaking a consultation on amendments to the Poisons Act 1972, which controls the sale of certain explosives precursors and poisons – including nitromethane. At the present time, members of the public are permitted to acquire, import, possess and use products containing up to 30% nitromethane.  It … Read More