It is with deep regret I report the passing of Jack. He joined the Royal Navy in 1941 and transferred to the Fleet Air Arm, spent most of the war years in Ceylon servicing Sword Fish and Corsairs returning home safely Petty Officer Allen. A well known modeller for many years flying with Brighton and Chichester clubs before joining Crookham Contest Modellers. He travelled to world events as a supporter and helper sadly just missing out at the trial having tried a number of times for a place in the team. He flew a number of times in French Internationals travelling in his VW camper. He flew F1B but mainly F1C with a strange left handed flicking motion that’s before we had starters. He stopped competition flying on a high winning the Crookham combined power contest flying a Dixielander with a OS MAX 15 at the age of 52. His wife Kath flew many times in the ladies cup with great success and was always with Jack in the flying field. Our thoughts are with Kath and family.