<p>I am so sorry to report the sad passing of former owner of SLEC and member of Gravesend Aero-Modelling Club 'John Roper’, who passed away on 16th July 2015. <br /> John for many years revolutionised model building with his plastic modelling accessories making life a whole lot easier for us all, and his products can still be bought from Ripmax to this day.</p>
<p>I am sure that SLEC products are in virtually every sport plane in every club through out the UK.<br /> </p>
<p>But John's legacy is more then just model flying, he was a father, a husband, a grand father and more importantly and true friend who will be sadly missed.</p>
<p>You could always rely on John to have a really nice conversation about model flying or virtually anything you were doing, he took a genuine interest in what you had to say.</p>
<p>He will be remembered through his close family and friends as one of the last true gents.</p>
<p>John I hope that you had a safe flight with a smooth take off and landing. Receiver off, transmitter off, clear the pits and return your peg and God rest your kind soul.</p>
<p>You were a very much loved man !</p>