<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y4 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">Born in Southend, Martyn was an aviation enthusiast since childhood, becoming an experienced</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y5 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">designer of model aircraft at the age of eighteen for Contest Kits of Leigh-on Sea. His particular</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y6 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">interest was free-flight rubber competition, an interest he pursued all his life.</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y6 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0"> </div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y7 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">After a degree in aeronautical engineering from London University, he trained as an airframe</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y8 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">structures engineer at Handley Page, working in the stress office on the Victor programme and other</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y9 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">projects. He chaired Hertfordshire Pedal Aeronauts who in 1967 started the design and building of the</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1ya pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">Toucan man-powered aircraft. Spanning 139 feet (42.4 metres), construction took five years. Finally,</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1yb pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">powered by two men, the aircraft flew at Radlett aerodrome in 1972, achieving a best flight of 640</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1yc pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">metres. He later became vice-chairman of the Royal Aeronautical Society Man Powered Aircraft</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1yd pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">Group and was involved in specifying the rules for the Kremer prizes over the years.</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1yd pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0"> </div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1ye pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">After the closure of Handley Page in 1970 Martyn joined Hatfield Polytechnic (later Hertfordshire</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1yf pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">University), and became Principal Lecturer in the Mechanical, Aeronautical and Automotive</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y10 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">Engineering Division. Each year he inspired and motivated first year undergraduates by arranging</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y11 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">field trips to Duxford. He recognised that it was essential to address real engineering problems and</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h4 pg-1y12 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">incorporate them into lectures and project work.</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h4 pg-1y12 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0"> </div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y13 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">He later became involved with hybrid airships and qualified as a CAA chief stress engineer on</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y14 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">airships. He was on the design team for the German government-sponsored Cargolifter project in the</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y15 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">late 1990’s. He claimed to spot a serious flaw in the project – namely when you have delivered the 75</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y16 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">tonne payload how do you hold the carrying airship down to stop it flying away!</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y16 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0"> </div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y17 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">He was also involved in the development of the SkyCat lifting body airship in its very early days, and</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y18 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">made the first flight of a large test model, the SkyKitten, about 6 metres long, radio controlled and</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y19 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">electric powered, outside the airship sheds at Cardington.</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y19 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0"> </div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h4 pg-1y1a pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">Throughout his career he maintained an interest in free-flight model aircraft. He was afounder</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y1b pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">member of the Vikings Free Flight Group, formed from St. Albans and Norwich club members. He was</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y1c pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">Chairman of the St. Albans Model Aero Club for many years from the 1980s onwards. He worked</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y1d pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">tirelessly to develop the club, transforming it from a small group flying on a public site to a well</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y1e pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">regulated club with a private flying site, sound finances, training schemes, social events and support</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y1f pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">for local charities. At the Millennium he organised the publication of a club history for 1910-2000. He</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y20 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">designed a range of glass-filled nylon model aircraft propellers for RAM Ltd in 1997, using his</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y21 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">aerodynamic skills, and St. Albans MAC members did the testing.</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y21 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0"> </div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y22 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">He was instrumental in the development of different forms of turbulators and invigorators to improve</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y23 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">the airflow over model aircraft wings and published articles on the performance of rubber powered</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y24 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">models. He wrote Aerofoils for Aeromodellers and, in 2015, <span class="pg-1fc1"><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">M</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">o</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">d</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">e</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">l</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">P</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">l</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">a</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">n</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">e</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">s:</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">A</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">e</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">r</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">o</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">f</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">o</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">i</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">l</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">s </span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">a</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">n</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">d </span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">W</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">i</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">n</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">g</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">s</span><span class="pg-1fc2 pg-1sc0">. </span><span class="pg-1fc0">In </span></span></div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y25 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">retirement he published re-drawn plans for classic designs from the ‘40s and ‘50s, trading as MSP</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y26 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">plans. He built the replicas of some of these aircraft which are currently on display in the National</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y27 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">Aerospace Library at Farnborough.</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y27 pg-1ff1 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0"> </div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y28 pg-1ff3 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">By Martin Dilly, with thanks to John Taylor, Brian Rapier, Michael Campbell, Trevor Breckell and</div>
<div class="t pg-1m0 pg-1×3 pg-1h3 pg-1y29 pg-1ff3 pg-1fs0 pg-1fc0 pg-1sc0 pg-1ls0 pg-1ws0">Roger Newman for additional material.</div>