2023 Control Line Nationals Entry Forms now live

29/06/2023By BMFAAdministratorNationals

2023 BMFA National Control Line Championships Classes covered This page covers the following classes: Held at Buckminster (22/23/24 Aug, except Nostalgic Speed 12/13 Aug) All Combat classes: registration All Aerobatics Classes – F2B, Classic, Vintage: registration, Clubman: registration All Nostalgic Speed Classes: registration Modern Racing Classes (F2C, F2CN, British Goodyear, Open Goodyear, and 1/2A): registration Held at Barton Aerodrome (Speed: … Read More

Tony Hooper MBE (1941 – 2023)

07/04/2023By BMFAAdministratorObituaries

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the sad passing of Tony Hooper on Thursday 30th March 2023. Having developed an interest in aviation at an early age, he remained an aeromodeller throughout his life, serving the Large Model Association as the co-ordinator of their over 20kg Scheme (including being the point … Read More

2023 BMFA Charity Distance Challenge launched

31/03/2023By BMFAAdministratorArchive

Hopefully you are already aware of the 2023 attempt to beat the record for the largest number of model aircraft in the air simultaneously that we set last year and I hope that your club is considering joining in. It certainly proved an excellent day for those that took part last year. For further details … Read More

Amendments to Poisons Act (1972) and fuel containing nitromethane

22/03/2023By BMFAAdministratorRegulatory Matters

Members may recall that in early 2022 the Home Office undertook a consultation on amendments to the Poisons Act 1972, which controls the sale of certain explosives precursors and poisons – including nitromethane. See:https://bmfa.org/possible-amendments-to-poisons-act-1972-affects-users-of-fuel-containing-nitromethane-please-respond-to-the-consultation The BMFA attended a meeting with Home Office officials to oppose proposals which would negatively impact those members using high nitro … Read More

CAA Increase Operator Registration Fees from April

17/03/2023By BMFAAdministratorGeneral News

Most members are probably aware that the CAA were proposing a 20% increase in the Operator Registration Fee from £10 to £12 from April 2023 (see https://bmfa.org/caa-proposes-20-increase-in-operator-registration-fee-from-april-2023). The CAA run a consultation on their proposed fee increases each year and normally receive a few dozen responses. This year, the CAA received hundreds of responses, the … Read More