20/05/2022By BMFAAdministratorRegulatory Matters No Comments

Since the CAA finally announced details of its Drone Registration and Education Scheme (DRES) last week we have published several explanatory notes both on the BMFA website and directly to members by email.  However, the flurry of correspondence and comments on various forums and groups suggests that there is still considerable misunderstanding of the scheme … Read More

UPDATE – CAA Drone and Model Aircraft Registration and Education Scheme (DRES)

20/05/2022By BMFAAdministratorRegulatory Matters No Comments

The CAA have just published the following update: which is provided in full below: The UK’s new Drone and Model Aircraft Registration and Education Scheme will go live on 5 November 2019 (please note that you cannot register before this date). There will be two elements to the online system. Anyone responsible for a drone or … Read More

Update on EU regulations – supporting documents published

20/05/2022By BMFAAdministratorRegulatory Matters No Comments

EASA have now published documents outlining their Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) in support of the EU regulations for unmanned aircraft. The documents can be found here: The AMC for Article 14 includes our suggested provision to permit registration numbers to be carried inside a model aircraft, which is consistent … Read More

Science & Technology Committee publish their report into ‘commercial and recreational drone use in the UK’

20/05/2022By BMFAAdministratorRegulatory Matters No Comments

<p>The Science and Technology Parliamentary Select Committee will today publish their report into ‘commercial and recreational drone use in the UK'.</p> <p>The BMFA provided several written inputs to the Committee on behalf of the UK model flying associations and BMFA CEO Dave Phipps appeared before the committee on the 9<sup>th</sup> July to provide oral evidence.</p> … Read More

An update on the UK regulations for model flyers – delay to DRES

20/05/2022By BMFAAdministratorRegulatory Matters No Comments

<p>Further to our previous update of 11<sup>th</sup> September (<a href=""></a> ).</p> <p>There is no real change to the situation as published.  All parties are currently awaiting the outcome of the Secretary of State’s deliberations on the matter and there is little we can add until we receive this.</p> <p>What we can confirm however is that … Read More

An update on the UK regulations for model flyers – a bit of good news at last!

20/05/2022By BMFAAdministratorRegulatory Matters No Comments

<p>I published an update on the BMFA website on 23rd August ( ) which provided a summary of our position at that time. This was also going to be the basis of my article for the forthcoming issue of the BMFA NEWS.</p> <p>However, the very next day I received a telephone call to tell me … Read More