An update on the UK regulations for model flyers – delay to DRES

20/05/2022By BMFAAdministratorRegulatory Matters No Comments

<p>Further to our previous update of 11<sup>th</sup> September (<a href=""></a> ).</p> <p>There is no real change to the situation as published.  All parties are currently awaiting the outcome of the Secretary of State’s deliberations on the matter and there is little we can add until we receive this.</p> <p>What we can confirm however is that … Read More

An update on the UK regulations for model flyers – a bit of good news at last!

20/05/2022By BMFAAdministratorRegulatory Matters No Comments

<p>I published an update on the BMFA website on 23rd August ( ) which provided a summary of our position at that time. This was also going to be the basis of my article for the forthcoming issue of the BMFA NEWS.</p> <p>However, the very next day I received a telephone call to tell me … Read More


20/05/2022By BMFAAdministratorRegulatory Matters No Comments

<p>The <strong><a href="">Science and Technology Committee</a></strong> holds its third evidence session on its <em>Commercial and recreational drone use in the UK</em> inquiry on Tuesday 9th July. </p> <p>Watch it online at <strong><a href="">Parliament TV</a></strong>.</p> <p><strong>Witnesses:</strong></p> <p><strong>At 9.30 am</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Gemma Alcock, Founder, SkyBound Rescuer</strong></li> <li><strong>Professor David Dunn, International Politics, University of Birmingham</strong></li> <li><strong>David Phipps, Chief Executive, … Read More

BBC 2 Documentary “Britain’s Next Air Disaster?”

20/05/2022By BMFAAdministratorRegulatory Matters No Comments

<p>BMFA members have been expressing their deep concern and criticism of the BBC Two documentary, ‘Britain’s Next Air Disaster? Drones?’, which sensationalised the potential risks from ‘drones’ and grossly mis-represented the entirely safe activities routinely undertaken by thousands of lawful ‘drone’ operators.</p> <p>The BMFA and other UK Associations acknowledge that unlawful operation of unmanned aircraft … Read More

Comments made by NATS at the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee – 26 June

20/05/2022By BMFAAdministratorRegulatory Matters No Comments

<p>We have this morning registered our concern with Martin Rolfe, the CEO of NATS regarding the comments made by their representative at the Select Committee evidence hearing which took place on the 26th June, where 'drone' operators were categorised as either 'clueless, careless or criminal'.</p> <p>We have received assurances that NATS would never categorise operators … Read More

CAA Publishes CAP1789 – Outlining the EU regulations for Unmanned Aircraft

20/05/2022By BMFAAdministratorRegulatory Matters No Comments

<p>The EU regulations for Unmanned Aircraft were published in the Official Journal of the European Union on the 11<sup>th</sup> June and the Implementing Regulation will become applicable on 1<sup>st</sup> July, <strong>2020.</strong></p> <p>The CAA have recently published CAP1789 which provides a detailed guide to the EU regulations which you can find here: <a href=""></a></p> <p>CAP1789 includes … Read More