Dealing With Alleged Abuse
Abuse can take place in a variety of settings: within the family, by other children, by other members of the community and within sports and social groups, such as model aircraft clubs.
The first thing to remember is that you are not in a position to determine if abuse has taken place but that it is your responsibility to do something about it if you have concerns.
However, taking action of this kind is never easy; it takes courage, but you may be protecting a life by doing so. Whilst it may be possible to talk to the parents, guardians or carers, be aware that this could place the child or vulnerable adult at a greater risk in certain circumstances. If in any doubt seek advice before talking to parents and guardians.
Media Enquiries
Should any media enquiries arise they should be referred directly to the BMFA Safeguarding team.
Action to be taken if Suspected Abuse is Being Committed by a Person within Model Flying
Any suspicion that a child or vulnerable adult has been abused within the club environment should be reported to the Club Welfare Officer [if appointed] or directly to the BMFA Safeguarding Team as soon as possible after the event.
Tel: 0116 2441084
Use the BMFA Safeguarding Incident Report Form at the link below to make a record of your actions as this may assist both you and the authorities later should an investigation be undertaken.
If using the online form the details of the incident are automatically forwarded to the BMFA Safeguarding team. Once the form is submitted you should immediately follow any instructions given.
Alternatively, you may use the hard copy Incident reporting form at Appendix C.
The BMFA Safeguarding team will take the appropriate steps to support the Club Welfare Officer/Club to promote the safety of the child or vulnerable adult and, if necessary, confirm with any other agencies previously involved that these steps have been taken. They will also take steps to promote the safety of any other child or vulnerable adult that may be at risk.
Such steps may include:
- contacting the local Social Services Department or Police.
- contacting, where appropriate, the parents of the child or vulnerable adult as soon as possible following advice from Social Services
In consultation with the club the BMFA Safeguarding team may also
- Advise an interim suspension of the member’s activities.
- Inform the member of the reasons why the decision was taken.
- Determine if there is a requirement for an internal BMFA investigation.
- Suspend with immediate effect any BMFA instructor qualification.
The member involved has the right of appeal to the Board of Executives against the decision of the BMFA Safeguarding team. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary.
The BMFA Safeguarding team will make a full report to the BMFA’s Board of Executives, which will be convened specifically to address the allegation. Irrespective of the findings of any external investigation, the BMFA will assess all individual cases and determine if the person can be reinstated and how this can be handled sensitively. This decision will be based on all the information available, including the findings of any external investigation. Should there be any doubt on the person’s ability to continue to work with children and vulnerable adults then his/her clearance to work with children and vulnerable adults will be withdrawn, as the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults is paramount.
If a member of the BMFA Safeguarding team is the subject of an allegation then the report must be made to the BMFA Chairman who will take appropriate action.
Should an allegation be made some time after the event then the above procedures still apply.
Help lines and websites are listed on Page 16.
In an emergency always contact the Police in the first instance.
Use the Incident Report Form at or from Appendix C to make a record of your actions as this may assist both you and the authorities later should an investigation be undertaken. If an outside agency requests the incident form it should be sent within 24hours.
If you are worried about sharing concerns about abuse with a senior colleague, you can contact Social Services or the Police direct, or the NSPCC Child Protection Helpline on 0808 800 5000.
Next - Dealing With Poor Practice
- Introduction
- The Principles of Safeguarding
- The ‘FIVE STEP’ Plan for Clubs
- Guide on Club Policy – Generic Template
- Selection Of Club Members Working Directly With Children Or Vulnerable Adults
- Role Of The Club Welfare Officer
- Instructors’ Responsibilities
- Code Of Ethics And Conduct
- A Guide To Good Safeguarding Practice
- Guidelines for Parents, Guardians and Carers
- The Use Of Photographs And Images Of Children
- Responding To Suspicions Or Allegations
- Dealing With Alleged Abuse
- Dealing With Poor Practice
- Useful Contacts For Clubs
- Appendix A – Generic Template For Club Rules
- Appendix B – What Is Abuse?
- Appendix C – BMFA Incident Reporting Form